C.O.R.A is the Creekside Outdoor Refreshment Area (commonly known as D.O.R.A - Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area).

Within the CORA boundaries, patrons are able to purchase a beverage from a participating establishment and enjoy the district, taking your beverage with you.

In order to participate, you will need to purchase a CORA cup (valid for 1 day) from a participating establishment and purchase your beverage that will be served in a branded CORA cup. Drinks not placed in a branded CORA cup CANNOT leave the establishment. There are no glass bottles, cans, or outside drinks permitted within the CORA boundaries.

The Rules:

  • Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in CORA cups during posted hours.
  • CORA cups are for beverages purchased from participating CORA establishments only.
  • Patrons may not enter or re-enter bars or restaurants with CORA cups; please recycle.
  • Patrons may carry CORA cups into a retail business in the CORA with permission. Look for a “CORA permitted here” decal.
  • Drink and explore within the CORA boundaries - Look for the signs!
CORA Creekside